Tuesday, April 5, 2011

OPI and Cherry Culture Haul

I'm so excited!

These arrived today:

and I wasn't expecting them so soon...or even on the same day!

I'm not going to do a full on unboxing haul because we'll have way more exciting stuff coming in the mail in the next few weeks. ;-P

So in the first package were 5 OPI polishes I got from Ebay:

From left to right we have: Venus di Violet, Upfront and Personal, What's with the Cattitude?, Black Onyx and Electric Eel.  They are yet to be added to our database.

They arrive in perfect condition and I was so relieved!  I'll be ordering more from this seller  in the next week or two.

The second package was from Cherry Culture.  They were having a sale and already cheap prices were 20% off!

First up we have some eyeliners.  I like autoliners and the two with gold caps are by Jordana and the other is LA Colors.  I haven't tried either of these brands before so we'll see how they go but they were REALLY cheap so worth a try. 

Next we have the NYX eyeshadow base and 2 of the jumbo pencils in Milk and Cottage Cheese

NYX auto lipliners in Coffee, Natural, Auburn and Plum

And lastly, my favourite purchase - three NYX trios!

Spring Leaf, Lime Green and Green Tea

Baby Pink, Cotton Candy and Spring Flower

Baby Blue, Pacific and Navy

The colours in the pics aren't as accurate as I'd like but they are fairly close.

1 comment:

  1. Looking for NYX Auto Lipliners in Auburn. They are discontinued and fabulous. anyone know where to buy these! Thanks. ReneeHealthCoach@gmail.com
